Pathway K-5: Paving the Way to Progress

I scream, you scream, we all scream for ICE CREAM! 

It’s not just ice cream we’re screaming about at Pathway K-5! Fuse Project is screaming with excitement for the 30 students at the Ice Cream Celebration recognizing their growth in iReady and HMH test scores from the beginning of the year. These tests give a baseline for a student’s reading and math abilities and are then given throughout the year to assess progress and determine students’ learning needs. Studies show a positive correlation between student incentives and academic performance. We strive to provide creative and transformative incentives to help students at partnering schools achieve their potential. Who wouldn’t be motivated by yummy ice cream?!?! 

Our volunteers, Cecily Harper and Maggie Ferguson, piled the scoops of ice cream high with all the toppings and of course, whipped cream! The students enjoyed every bite while they listened to their favorite music. The song requests just kept coming as they enjoyed the afternoon. There’s nothing sweeter than seeing students achieve success and have pride in their accomplishments! We can’t wait to see how many students achieve big growth on their upcoming tests and are able to attend the next celebration! 

BOO! for YOU! 

We had so much fun delivering some BOO! Project Kits to teachers at Pathway K-5! These kits were part of our BOO! Project Fundraiser during the months of September and October. Through our ABC Academic Support Program our goal is to bridge educational disparities for teachers and students by providing supplemental resources, such as academic and extracurricular clubs, student incentives, mentoring programs, and teacher appreciation events. While this may just be a bag of seasonal goodies, we hope it conveys to these educators that their work matters and is appreciated. No act of kindness is too small! 

No Hamming Around about Christmas! 

The teachers at Pathway K-5 enjoyed a delicious boxed lunch from Honey Baked Hams before they left for the Christmas break. We were delighted to provide a little bit of holiday cheer to these teachers as they worked to finish 2023 with a strong end. Laney Andrews and Mary Frances Clarke had the pleasure of serving up lunches to over 30 teachers and wishing them a very Merry Christmas! By providing diverse avenues for teacher recognition, we strive to create a supportive learning environment that fosters professional and personal growth.